Commissions & Purchases Overview

Our commissioned artworks are specifically designed to suit the needs of the department they are being commissioned for. Wherever possible we also link in commissioned artworks with the redecoration programme to ensure that the new environment is created as a harmonious whole.

Commission projects may take over eighteen months to come to fruition as they are dependent on thorough consultation processes and on the funding being raised from external sources.

Throughout the duration of any commissioned projects we consult and work closely with our artists and all relevant staff (maintenance, fire, infection control etc.). We also work in partnership with Octagon (the owners of the building) and Serco (the Hospital’s service providers).

Artists are formally selected and interviewed for all commissioned projects by Environmental Arts Committee.

Many of our commissions are advertised on the 'Opportunities' page found under the 'Artists' Section of this Web Site.

You can also go straight to the page direct by clicking here.

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