Examples from the Environmental Arts Collection

The Boiler House c.1900
Environmental Arts cares for all of the arts and historic collections belonging to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Foundation Trust. The collections fall under a number of categories which include: donated artworks, commissioned artworks, historic portraits, historic images of the building, surgical and medical collections, other artefacts such as consultants name boards, plaques.
The Boiler House c.1900
Snapdragon Magazine c.1932
Norfolk and Norwich Ward 2
Jenny Lind 1820-1887
Drugs Bottle and Canister
William Cadge 1822-1903

Environmental Arts cares for these collections as part of its ongoing work.

Since the Hospital moved to its new location many new items have been added to the collections, with more arts being donated and many old artefacts being uncovered. Most artworks are on display within the Hospital however some of our historic artefacts are currently in store.

Jenny Lind 1820-1887
Snapdragon Magazine c.1932 Drugs Bottle and Canister
Norfolk and Norwich Ward 2 William Cadge 1822-1903

Over the past few years Environmental Arts has been systematically documenting our collections as a whole onto MODES database. This database allows us to record full details of every item to museum standards. With the assistance of the Museum Documentation Association, the Trust's Information Technology Department and a team of Volunteers, the aim is to create a virtual on-line museum. This museum will provide details of the collections within the Hospital for public access and form an educational resource for schools and colleges.

MODES is the most widely-used collections management system in British museums. It was originally developed by the Museums Documentation Association (MDA), who released the first version in 1987. Since then MODES has undergone continuous development, and has been deployed successfully by hundreds of collections throughout the UK.

Environmental Arts is in the process of updating our systems to ModesXML which is the latest version of MODES. Built on a new XML database, it features multi-user access, and includes many enhanced features for data entry, retrieval and publication.

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